Welcome to the OAD E-Learning Page.

This is to welcome you to our IAU-OAD online learning page.  This page is launched as result of grant received under the IAU OAD Extraordinary Call for COVID-19 related proposals. The grant was provided to cover establishment of online learning platform for University and Secondary School Students.  On this platform, we have two categories; The Undergraduate Students and the Secondary/High School Students. The lessons here are made to help students understand the topics treated and to equip them with skills needed to ace their exams.

Our aim is to make learning possible for our students in their homes even when students are not in school.

We recommend that students use their earpiece and concentrate when listening to the lessons.

For full details and access to the courses provided for each category of student, please visit our registration page. 

Please click here to LOGIN or LOGOUT  if you have already registered.

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